Үйлдвэрээс шууд хямд үнээр
Зуучлагчийг таслахын тулд цахилгаан барааны үйлдвэртэй шууд хамтран ажиллана. Хямд, хямд үнээр шинэ оригинал
Аюулгүй, чанарын найдвартай байдал
Гайхамшигтай бүтээгдэхүүний чанарын даатгалын тогтолцоо. Чанарын бүрэлдэхүүн хэсгүүдийг цаг тухайд нь, цаг бүрээр хангах.
15 сая гаруй бараа материал
100+ дэлхийн алдартай үйлдвэрлэгч, 15 сая гаруй бараа материал. Хямдралтай үнээр шууд худалдан авах боломжтой хувьцаа.
Хэрэглэгчдэд ээлтэй үйлчилгээ
Таны өвөрмөц шаардлагад нийцсэн нэг цэгийн шийдэл. 12 хэлний вэб сайтын дэмжлэг, илүү хялбар, хурдан үйлчилгээ.
Amphenol RF is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of RF interconnect solutions, with experience extending over half a century. Our complete range of RF interconnect products are used in the Automotive, Broadband, Wireless LAN/RFID, Wireless Infrastructure, Military Aerospace and Instrumentation markets. Our product solutions range from connectors to cable assemblies to passive RF components, such as attenuators and RF switches.
Applications assistance is where it begins and Amphenol RF is ready to support your every need. Through the use of collaborative engineering between the RF Division in Danbury, CT and our sister divisions throughout the world, we can achieve a 24/7 engineering development environment similar to our operations environment.
From our sales representatives to our customers, all parties have easy and rapid access to our development engineering personnel. Through the utilization of state-of-the-art design and analysis tools, as well as Internet tools that allow for the transfer of design information in real time, our staff is able to provide the highest level of dedicated customer service.
Headquartered in Danbury, Connecticut, USA, Amphenol RF has global sales, marketing and manufacturing in North America, Asia and Europe. Our primary manufacturing sites are located in Shenzhen, China; Tainan, Taiwan; Nogales, Mexico; and Danbury, CT, US.
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